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Your N/A account will be deleted in 30 days.

We've noticed that you haven't accessed the N/A account within the last 6 months. It'd be a pity to see you go when there are still so many emails left to send!

To keep your account active, we need you to log into it and click on the Restore button. If not, your account will be deleted in 30 days and you won't be able to restore it.

Log in

If you have questions or need help with your account, please visit our help center for more information or contact our friendly Customer Support team.

We hope to you see you again soon,

The MailerSend Team

Team Mailer Send Signature

We have made lots of improvements to MailerSend since you were last here. To find out more, click here to visit our blog.

If you're having trouble clicking the button, copy and paste the URL below into your browser:

You are receiving this email because this is an important message regarding your account.

Sent with care by MailerSend.

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